

Bath Collection

Kitchen Collection

Temperature Cartridge For TVH Valves

Model#: TVH.4201-9853

Temperature Cartridge For TVH Valves | NA

Temperature Cartridge For TVH Valves

Model#: TVH.4201-9853

  • Use with Isenberg TVH Valves

- 4 In Stock - List Price USD 112.00

This thermostatic cartridge is constructed of high quality plastic with a wax element controling the output water temperature. This is a mixing cartridge which means it has hot and cold inputs and mixes the water based on the position of the mixing handle. This cartridge is used on the Isenberg TVH series thrmostatic valves.

Collection Cartridges
Warranty Limited Lifetime Warranty. See Warranty page for complete details.

Available Finishes:

Model# Finish List Price(USD)
TVH.4201-9853 NA USD 112.00

Product Q&A and Reviews:

  • By- P
    Dec. 27, 2022, 11:06 a.m.
    The water output temperature is very difficult to control. It is either hot or cold

    Ans:- If the water is either hot or cold - and not mixing it is because the hot and cold supply lines are swapped. The hot supply line must be connected to the left of the valve.

  • By- J
    Jan. 27, 2023, 4:10 p.m.
    Does the cartridge have a limit stop? Does the button on the trim handle allow full flow of hot water . I need to install a mixing valve to prevent temps above 120 degrees if there is not a limit stop with in the cartridge.

    Ans:- There is a limit stop on this cartridge. This can be seen on the parts diagram. The temperature handle will latch onto the limit stop to prevent further hot temperature adjustment. Pressing the delatch button will enable the handle to move further and increase the temperature.